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AASQA CoderDojo Presentation Day 2021

  • Curtin University Bentley Australia (map)

The Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA) CoderDojo is a free, volunteer-led, community-based computer programming club that helps young people be creative, meet people with similar interests, solve problems and collaborate whilst building a range of digital projects.

On the 23rd of October, AASQA will be holding a presentation day for their students, aka Ninjas, to showcase their latest digital projects.

Upon arrival, in small groups, guests will be taken on a tour of the CoderDojo classrooms where groups of Ninjas will present their projects. Tours will be followed by presentations and speeches from AASQA Director, Professor Tele Tan and CoderDojo alumni. Lastly, lunch and beverages will be provided by DC Alliance.

Come along to learn more about the special talents and abilities of people with autism, and enjoy food and drinks kindly sponsored by DC Alliance.

Event Proceedings:

12:15 PM: Guest arrival.

12:15 PM: Tours for special guests, guided by parent helpers.

1:00 PM: Lunch

1:30 PM: Presentations; AASQA overview and personal experiences.

2:00 PM: Q+A session

2:15 PM: The event concludes.

Date: 23rd of October 2021

Time: 12:15 PM to 2:15 PM

Location: Level 2, Building 314 (New Technologies), Curtin University, Bentley (More info below)

Please RSVP below.


Please see the Curtin Campus Map and detailed access and parking map attached.

The location of the AASQA CoderDojo Presentation Day is Level 2, Building 314 (P-14). The closest general parking is PG2 (Q-14), adjacent to Brand Drive. Off of Brand Drive is Wark Avenue, follow the path along Wark Ave until you reach Building 314 where you will find a large flight of stairs. Level 2 is located up the first flight and through the doors on the right. If you require access to an elevator, please go through the office at the bottom of the stairs on the right.

There are no parking meters, therefore it is best to download the CellOPark app onto your phone, sign up and enter your payment and vehicle details. More information can be found here.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Client Liason, Renee.

23 September

DC Alliance 1YO Party

27 October

ACS WA Dennis Moore Oration & 1962 Awards